List Of Science-Based Diets You Should Know

types of diet

Why do people diet?

Eating the right amount of nutrients can be challenging. It gets even more difficult if you are not intentional about it. In the world of dieting, rules can only become effective the moment you agree with them. 

There are different types of diet. The motivation of people also varies depending on their objectives. Some experience health problems that require them to pay attention to what they eat. Some believe that losing weight will improve their lifestyle and self-esteem. While some  athletes  need to stay fit for competition. 

If you are a first-timer, it is still vital to consult a health professional to know what diet will work best for you. In the meantime, you can familiarize yourself with the list of science-based diets below. 

Importance of Science-Based Diets

It is your health that is at stake with whatever choices you make. Thus, selecting a diet on your own can be quite tricky. There is countless information on the internet nowadays, but make sure not to use personal reviews online as a deciding factor. Anything that is not backed with science may put you at risk. 

You have to listen to the facts. Science-based diets have gone through research. Experts have also spent their time studying to support it well. Case in point, science backs the diets as follows: 

Low-Carb, Whole Food Diet

A low-carb diet restricts your carbohydrate intake. Instead of carbs, it increases your nutritional value by eating whole foods, including natural fats, proteins, and vegetables.

There are different forms of carbohydrates. There are simple and complex carbs. Simple carbs are easier to digest than complex ones. However, a lot of people get confused about simple carbohydrates as these are not created equal.

There are the refined and processed ones like white sugar and flour. These are among the list of foods you have to avoid, especially if you want to lose weight. On the other hand, fruits also contain simple carbohydrates. Yet, these superfoods are necessary when starting your low-carb journey. They  provide the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that your body needs.

In a low-carb diet, the typical amount of carbohydrates consumed daily is 20 to 57 grams. This range can already provide you with 80-240 calories to keep you energized. Health professionals highly recommend this diet. Apart from weight loss, this type of diet also lessens the risk of heart diseases. Studies have also shown that it lowers triglycerides that might cause cardiovascular problems. If you are curious about what to eat and avoid in this type of diet, you can consider  the following: 

Avoid Eating: Sugar, highly processed foods, low-fat products, refined  oils, wheat, high-fructose corn syrup, and wheat. 

Start Eating: Superfoods such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Also, fish, meat, high-fat dairy, healthy oils, and eggs. You can also include some tubers and non-gluten grains. 

The Paleo Diet

The dictionary defines paleo as “older or ancient, especially relating to the geological past.” Hunting and gathering are among the common ways our ancestors used to eat. This type of diet was inspired from a paleolithic time that was 2.58 million years ago. The aim of the paleo or caveman diet is apparent. It is to encourage people to eat based on how early humans did. 

This diet believes that there is a mismatch between modern farming and the genetics of human beings. It highlights that the inconsistency causes obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Here, high-fats and processed foods are discouraged as they have little nutritional value yet higher calories. Of course, calories are essential for your energy. However, too many unburned calories can lead to weight gain. Experts believe that one can only achieve its maximum effectiveness when paired with exercise. To help you get started, below are the foods you can eat and avoid in this type of diet: 

Avoid Eating: Highly-processed foods, refined sugar, dairy products, salt, potatoes, legumes like beans, lentils, peanuts, and peas, including grains, such as oats, wheat, and barley. 

Start Eating: Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, fish that are rich in omega-3, like salmon and mackerel, and lean meats like grass-fed animals or those from the wild. You can also include oils from fruits and nuts, such as olive oil and walnut oil. 

The Vegan Diet 

This type of diet has become popular nowadays. More than its health benefits, people are starting their veganism journey due to ethical and environmental considerations. In this type of diet, plant-based foods are okay. However, all foods that come from animals are off-limits. 

Studies have shown that a vegan diet helps people live longer. Apart from that, it also offers science-based health benefits as follow: 

Helps You Lose Weight -. Plant-based foods are rich in fiber that helps you feel full without eating much. Plant-based diets often reduce your calorie intake naturally. If weight loss is your motivation, you must avoid processed foods that contain fats, starches, sugars, sodium, and food additives. 

Protects You Against Cancer - This type of diet is rich in phytochemicals that lowers your risk of cancers. According to the World Health Organization, you can prevent one-third of cancers through proper diet and exercise. For the record, eating 7-portions of fresh fruits and vegetables a day can decrease your risk of dying from this disease by 15%. Additionally, eliminating animal products can also save you from the risk of colon, breast, and prostate cancers. 

Lowers Your Blood Sugar Levels - Studies have shown that people on a plant-based diet can decrease their risk of diabetes by 23%. The list of foods included in this type of diet are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and magnesium that promotes insulin sensitivity. 

Choosing Your Diet Carefully

Besides the above mentioned, other types of diets that are supported by science also exist. Among those include the Mediterranean and Gluten-free diets

When choosing the ideal diet for you, be sure to consult with your healthcare provider. Each individual has different nutritional needs and the best diet varies from person to person. 

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